
ZOMG I don't UNDERSTAND shakeyspeeeee

This is a pretty cool blog. Andrew sent me an e-mail and what not so now I too can bring updates to all you beautiful people out there. We can talk about our feelings and girl troubles. Did you notice that cool little map thing? I didn't know anyone knew about our existence.

We have a show this Thursday. For more information on that view the previous post. This post will pertain to the newest song called LOVE ITCHES. It is a brand new song which was fully completed on MONDAY (the day we typically practice) APRIL 6th. It is a dandy little jig that takes all the things you love high in one eye for, and then we blend that together and dump the warm creamy-ness all over your brand new air jordans. We shall perform it this Thursday so now you have yet another reason to come apart from the kick ass bands such as smiley and pumpkin. We will hopefully get a video on our songs up on this piece also, including love itches.

A little background on the title love itches. I bought a BAUHAUS album a while back and on the track entitled Dark Entries there is a part where in the background there are vocalists screaming DARK ENTRIES over and over again. To my ears it sounded like they were shouting LOVE ITCHES so I figured that would be a cool name for a song. THUS, out popped LOVE ITCHES and your mind shall be in a catatonic state once we follow it up with cocaine and jalapeƱo. Look at that tilde.

VIDEOS AND OTHER GREAT STUFF WILL SOON BE COMING YOUR WAY....WE ARE VARY LAZY WHEN IT COMES TO OTHER STUFF BESIDES MUSIC!!! Want us to play for you at your house for a few friends or some sort of party check out contact info. If you want us to just come play for you by yourself that is also cool. Uhhhh.....

Spread Legs and impregnate others with the knowledge of HIGH IN ONE EYE!

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