

Easter Tourama can be considered a success. 10 days. 9 shows. A lot of new fans.

Let's check some stats shall we?

Total cd sales and/or handing out cd's --- 45
Total plays on myspace through the tour ---- 238
Total plays on B through tour -----73 in Bandcamp, 41 through embeded players
Total downloads on Bandcamp through tour ---- 12
Total Buzz and page views on Bandcamp and Myspace ---- 247

Avg amount of people at shows --- 40

Avg payment on gigs --- $80 if we did get payed

Rough mileage ---- 2,482 miles traveled

Accident and/or cars on fire witnessed ---- 4

Countless hilarious videos including shows, travels, other bands, and other junk --- priceless

We couldn't have asked for a better time. We had great receptions everywhere we went. A wonderful place to stay. Food. Friends. Good times.

All in all, for a first tour, and for the first time playing outside of Louisiana, it was amazing.

We'll have a little documentary of the tour coming up soon. It has a bunch of inside jokes, badass show footage, and other shenanigans for you kiddies to occupy yourselves with. More deets on that soon.

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who made this tour possible. Friends, Girlfriends, Family, Bands, Fans, Enemies. Without you this couldn't have been possible.

The following people have helped us out in one way or another. If your name does not appear, I'M SORRY. Please notify us and we'll throw you on the list. There are just so many to name...

Jared Marcel, Pat Baily, Mike Volpi, Justin Viknair, Alex Marse, Rudy Rihner, Mauricio Lesage, Mark Johnson, Kelle Ory, Nicole Mabry, Allison Harrignton and her father, Both of our parents and families, Megafauna, Wildfires, Computer Jesus Refrigerator, Rainbows in Your Wildest Dreams, AJ, Chris N, Ben Dude, Hello Crescendo, The Spanx, Pig Lizzard, Nefarious, Seraphim, Chatty Cathies, Devour the World, Tornahdo, Chaos Minute, like nomads and crew, Double Dutch, Valmara, Taco Cabana!, Japan Four, Pregnant Pope, Every Venue we played at: Cafe Cottage, Headhunters, Webhouse, Super Happy Fun Land, HTGT Thrift, Handlebar's, The Blind Mule, Houses., Chevron, Exxon, Valero, Brothers, Burger King, Google, Tom Tom gps (without this...jesus christ), and you, the fans. The people who come to shows. Who support the scene. Support local music and touring bands. Southern hospitality.

Thank you all for giving us the opportunity to leave the dream of a touring band. This is most certainly not the last tour. Many more to come. This whole tour has given us a great feeling about things to come. We still have many shows lined up as you can see:

Apr 14 20108:00P
RepublicNew Orleans, Louisiana
Apr 16 20108:00P
Dragon’s Den w/ Metronome the City and Hat TalkNew Orleans, Louisiana
Apr 24 20108:00P
Zeitgiest w/ Cliff Hines. JazzFest weird showcaseNew Orleans, Louisiana
May 1 20108:00P
Bisbano’s w/ The Chatting CathiesLafayette, Louisiana
Jun 5 20108:00P
Maison w/ Smiley with a Knife, A Living Soundtrack, and We the GrenadaNew Orleans, Louisiana
Jun 10 20108:00P
TBA w/ Female Demand and RabbitNew Orleans, Louisiana

We are trying to push an album through by the end of summer. We will begin a much needed writing process that will take our sound to new levels. We've learned a lot. Spent a lot. And it was all worth it.

Thanks again everyone. I...i love you.


1 comment:

Blake said...

Thanks for playing/staying with us guys! we had a blast.

The spanx