

"The last full Moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 1993," says Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory in Washington DC. "I'd say it's worth a look."

What Mr. Chester is leading to is the release of an album, actually.

We're releasing our first full length LP ever under High in One Eye on July 21st, 2011.
We recorded it on the night of the most recent Supermoon in Henderson, LA at Dr. James Walsh's studio. The music on the album is close to being a year old already. Due to our..laziness? Yea. Laziness.

But it's here. Right before we decide to go in an interesting direction. Don't be expecting to see full sets of it live as often as it was. But don't count on not seeing it? Truth is we like to be as dynamic as possible. So just come to a show aaaaand find out what's gonna happen that night!


Digital release of the album will be announced in the coming week. It'll be released before the hard copy on July 1st.

The show will be at the Dragon's Den. Bands that will be joining in are kinda in the air. That'll be announced at some point soon too.

We've been looking forward to this for a year. Super excited for yall to hear this bullshit.



High in One Eye - Supermoon

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