
What to know, when, where...HOW???

Hello there folks. Andrew here with a little update on whats going on here in High In One Eye world and what i''m hoping to do in the FFFUUUTTTUUURRREEEE.

Our other band Neckbeard is going into the studio soon. We're getting a pretty sweat deal as well. ALSO, High In One Eye can grab whatever studio time is left, so free studio time! yaaaay.
This summer should be mad epics. We have a lot of time to kill, which means, a lot of writing, playing, and hhhwackin around, which always leads to good things. HIOE has a bright future ahead of itself, or at least we think so. The fever is catching on, spreadin like that flu....swine flu....there I said it. We're hoping to spread our seed across the east soon. Eventually we're going to branch out of the south and hit up areas where those little dots show up at the bottom of the page on the map. So it's. gonna. RULE.

Oh and check this. Our most recent show with Neckbeard and Smiley at Sachmos was WEBCASTED online. It's pretty friggin sweet. Much thanks to Kelle Ory for setting it up and Alex Marse for bringing his camera, and doing the best he could with the software. But kelle saved the day and now we have it up on le internets!! go check out artistshosue.com for details and find HIOE!

Here we go! Here's some stuff i've been looking to purchase along with other things that i can only have in dream format....sigh...ah well.

Funny picture of what i want

what i really want

mmm. That looks good. Boss Super Shifter. Turn Classical to Catastrophic. That's what i'm talkin about. Costs about $149. A nice little dent in my wallet if i get it. But it will be worth it.

Here's some link to other things i would love to have in ze future.
Simple MIDI keyboard

i'm also looking for some Danelectro Pedals. I used to have that Black Liquorish pedal and i want it back. But yea, you sellin? i might buy. who knows.

Thats about it for today. Tune in later this week and we'll have the May 17th show details posted for your viewing pleasure!

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