
Neon. Orange. WALKER


WE HAVE A NEW EP. And we think it sounds real good yea. So you should check it out. Here's the rundown:
Neon Orange Walker (N.O.W.) EP
1. Cocaine and Jalapenos
2. Kamikazee Locust
3. ZOMG I Don't Understand Shakespeare
4. Items To Declare
5. Digital Messiah (Improvisation)

Our new EP is available on Bandcamp and Myspace and soon to be iTunes and the like.
Right now the only available ways of getting the album is to listen only or download from those sites. We're currently in the process of deciding about artwork and making hard copies to sell. Oh and btw, it's free online. Why not get it?

The EP was produced, mixed, and recorded by our good friend Devin Hildebrand of Mojo Method. The whole thing took and afternoon and a late night, and at the sacrifice of a couple of slices of pizza, honey baked ham, and a few pwned nUbs in Halo 3, we came out with a pretty nice sounding block of music. Feedback is WONDERFUL. If you care to share with us your thoughts on the album, anything you liked, disliked, or whatever, come tlk to us, message us and we'll talk it over. We always like to here back from the people who took time to listen.

Futre NOOZ.
Well as far as news goes, we've been playing a bunch around town and trying to get more and more to eventually branch out of the city. The next show for us coming up is on August 17th with SWAK (also they just came back from a big break with new songs and a new attitude, you gotta check em out.) and Native, a fairly established group! Its on a monday so all the kidz who had to go back to skool, SKIP!

Hopefully getting a write-up with Anti-Gravity soon. That should be fantasmicz. Maybe Static TV too, or anyone else that would like to shine some light on the experimental music we do.

In sumation, we're really happy with our new EP and hopefully you all will enjoy it. Most importantly, if you do like it show it to your friends and family. The more you spread the word about us the more it catches on with people. Redundant much? Anyhow, go listen, send through email and links, post on blogs and forums, spam the web!!!!!

That's your job. This is ours.


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