

The News In Brief
As of right now the new HIOE EP has a total of 68 downloads and 341 live plays.


If you or someone you care about hasn't checked it out, we strongly suggest you do.

More Newsy News

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1st, we're playing a gig at the Dragon's Den with Mojo Method and Big Fat and Delicious. This is going to be a show to see. Large turnouts, birthday surprises, and a great way to get rid of stress on a Tuesday. Show doors open at 9 and it's 5 bucks. A coooool 5 bucks. So you should go and here us play.

And did we mention we have a new song? It's pretty cool. A little post-rocky with some electro acoustics in the end. Whats NOT to like about that?

All the Loyola kids are back in session and the school is hustlin'. Amidst all the tom foolery we maintain our cool, and getting more shows. ALSO. There's this KILLIN bang called Many Arms. They're coming down to the N.O. in November with a german lightning bolt esque group and basically, if you miss that...Fuck you.

All in all the first day of classes seemed to go just fine. We're also looking to expand our playing with other groups. Some tasty jams in the future. Very tasty. So stay hooked on it BRUH.

We out.

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