A lot of things happened between then. and now. We've got a large number of shows lined up, along with some fancy news and Thanksgiving. School is school and episodes of Lost are just getting weirder and weirder. (Still kicks ass).
To start, let's whip out the ol' calendar and check out what shows we have so far.
10.10.09 | Dragon’s Den w/ Autotomii |
10.11.09 | Dragon’s Den w/ The Independence (South Carolina) and Shoot the Daily Edit |
11.09.09 | Dragon’s Den with Many Arms (Philly) and schnAAk (Germany) |
11.27.09 | TBA w/ Museyroom (NY) (Thanksgiving Tour) |
11.28.09 | TBA w/ Museyroom (NY) (Thanksgiving Tour) |
11.29.09 | TBA w/ Museyroom (NY) (Thanksgiving Tour) |
12.12.09 | Draon’s Den w/ Good Day For An Airstrike (LAST SHOW) and A Living Soundtrack |
12.28.09 | Dragon’s Den w/ Megafuna (Texas) |
I'm not sure if you noticed the different colored print and boldness but that was one of our "surprises."
This Thanksgiving, High in One Eye and Museyroom are putting together a tiny South Louisiana Tour the three days after Giving of Thanks. Museyroom, compiled of our good friend Jack Donovan from Loyola and his two buddies from back home (Brooklyn) Matt and Ben, is a trio of wurlitzing (that was used because there is actually a wurlitzer used in the group) and mesmerizing proportions. With influences from Animal Collective to the Beaches Boys to Classical music, they give hook, danceability, and a wonderful taste on your tongue.
We'll be taking them around Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and home sweet home New Orleans. Ben and Matt will be traveling from Brooklyn in a CAR. So be sure to come out and not let their trip be for nothing.
Closer to Now
Here's some flyers for this weekend, 10/10 and 10/11.
10/10 with Autotomii

10/11 with the Independents and Shoot the Daily Edit

We seem to be getting a LOT of Dragon's Den shows which is both sweet and sour. Sweet because we play. Sour because we play at the same damn place. Hopefully someone important will see us and give us a break. Hoping is for losers.
So the HIOE EP has gone around some hands and ears and we've been getting good feedback, blogposts and rants and raves. If we ever go out and about, we'll carry that around with us and give it to out-of-townies. SHOOOOBIIIIEEESSS.
In and around the conclusions, we've been writing a shit-ton. Making some hhhhwack ass sounds, but really focusing on the compositional aspect. Look forward to some new material in the shows posted abuvv. If you've yet to see us, SHAME ON YOU. SHAME. But we're forgiving people so we'll see you at the next one! yea...
Until Next time, we'll be in the Angry Dome.
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